
The social services is rich and rewarding environment to work in but one that is often slow to adopt technology. The adoption community of families, social workers, and other professionals is no different. Yet, this is a sector that provides a lot of education for its constituents. Adoption education is mandated by law for families who want to adopt in Canada. Up to present time, this is still being done via a face-to-face format.  The Adoption Education Program Online (AEP-Online) is an actual project that is in its design and development stage. I have taken some creative license with it.

I have found this process both humbling and rewarding. I look forward to your feedback on my Elevator Pitch and Venture Pitch.

Both cab be found here: Elevator Pitch

Venture Pitch Deck

Venture Pitch with Audio

ETEC 522 Venture Pitch Reflection




Posted in: Venture Forum